In the doctor’s office, a little toddler smiles joyfully as the doctor
releases the plunger and withdraws the syringe from his arm. This was the first
of a series of shots that he was scheduled to receive as part of his vaccination
regimen. The doctor applies a bandage to the toddler’s arm, adds the
vaccination to his records, and asks the family if they had any questions
before leaving for the day.
Little did the toddler know that within the next few weeks, his body
would develop long-lasting immunity to chickenpox, a disease that once took millions of lives each
year in the U.S. In fact, vaccination has become one of the most effective
methods for preventing the spread of diseases. Today, people of all age groups
receive vaccines, and vaccines prevent 2 to 3 million deaths each year. So how did
vaccination start?
The Beginning of Vaccination
The history of vaccination traces back to crude
attempts of exposing individuals to viruses as protection against diseases.
There is some evidence that the Chinese have tried to develop immunity against
smallpox in 1000 AD by inhaling powered sores from smallpox lesions or by
smearing smallpox pus onto open cuts. Early practices were termed “variolation” from the Latin term varus, meaning “mark on the skin,” and
spread to Turkey, England, and eventually America around the 18th
century. Though a small percentage of people still died from smallpox after
variolation, the practice became quite popular
in Europe and in the U.S. colonies as the main method of protection. Still,
practitioners sought to find more effective methods.
Towards Modern Vaccines:
Milestones in History
In the late Eighteenth century, Edward Jenner used cowpox lesions from the arm of a dairymaid to inoculate others against smallpox)
A major landmark in the discovery of safer, modern vaccines occurred in
the late 1700s. Edward Jenner, an
English physician, noticed that a dairy farmer who previously contracted cowpox
was immune to smallpox. As an experiment, Jenner inoculated a little boy with
cowpox lesions and later with smallpox virus and noted that the boy did not
catch smallpox. This began the practice of vaccination, a more developed form
of inoculation, that we know of today.
Nearly a century later, Louis Pasteur stumbled
upon a cholera vaccine by serendipity. In his studies of chicken cholera, he
injected fresh cultures of bacteria into chickens, many of which died soon after exposure. One day, he
accidentally left the bacteria cultures exposed to air before injection, and
the chickens showed only mild symptoms of cholera. In fact, the chickens were
now immune to fresh inoculations of chicken cholera. Pasteur concluded that the
bacteria were weakened after air exposure and could be used for vaccination;
this marked the birth of “live attenuated” vaccines.
We’ve come a long way since the days of Jenner and Pasteur! Today,
there are many vaccines on
the market, including those used to prevent measles, meningitis, and tetanus.
The government has set up safety regulations: before a vaccine is licensed for public use, it
undergoes extensive testing by
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to determine its effectiveness, side
effects, and dosage requirement. Each vaccine is also monitored after it is
available to ensure public safety. In addition to live-attenuated vaccines,
many other
types of vaccines have been
FDA-approved, including inactivated vaccines, subunit vaccines, and toxoid
So How Do Vaccines Work?
A healthy human T lymphocyte (also called a T cell). Credit: NIAID
So now that we’ve talked about how vaccines originated, how do they
work in the body? We now know that the body’s immune system has a couple of tools for fighting infection, including T and
B cells in the blood. B cells produce antibodies that bind to foreign substances in the blood to mark them for destruction by
other immune cells. T cells destroy cells that have taken up bacteria or
viruses. Because these cells attack only one type of foreign substance, the body must generate new ones each time the body
encounters a new virus or
bacteria. However, the body takes several days to generate these cells to fight
the infection. This makes the process of fighting diseases very slow.
Vaccines work by activating the immune system to produce memory
cells that wait in the person’s body for the virus or bacteria that was
injected. Since the tools for
fighting the infection have already been generated, your body can mount a faster and
stronger immune response during a second exposure to the same pathogen. The
symptoms of a disease are often milder upon secondary exposure. But this “immunological
memory” can wear down over time,
so some vaccines require booster doses in
adulthood to re-expose the immune system to the infectious agent.
The next time you receive a vaccine, remember that your immune system
has gotten smarter. They can remember things too!
Though many vaccines have been developed, there is still room for more
discovery. For example, there are currently no vaccines for some viruses, such
as HIV, that rapidly evolve to escape our immune system. Other viruses, such as
Hepatitis C, occur in many variants, and no
vaccine can target all genetic forms of Hep C.
Today, scientists are still tackling these challenges. Meanwhile, tap into tips for staying safe from common viruses like the seasonal flu at: Being sick can be tough to deal with!
Andrea Dao is a first-year PhD student at University of Chicago in the Molecular Engineering Program. She is interested in developing vaccines and understanding how they work in the body. Find her on LinkedIn.
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