Aside from vaccines, masks, and safe distances, the key things to help us deal with this pandemic are:
So join fun-loving science fans for ISC’s 3rd Zoom Trivia Night! (it’s trivia ON zoom; not trivia ABOUT zoom.) We’re excited to tickle your brain with science-tinged factoids. You do not need to be a scientist to play — this event is for everybody!
The top two scorers will receive one of ISC’s new Chicago: City of Science “subway” t-shirts (see below).
This event is BYOWhatever because it happens inside *your* house!!
This program is brought to you by the science- (and fun-) lovers at Illinois Science Council, a Chicago-based nonprofit. Please support ISC and our mission of public science outreach with a tax-deductible donation of any amount today.
The Zoom link will be emailed to you and we will use the Kahoot platform for trivia. ISC’s Game Master will share question screen and players use their own phones (or an alternate tab on a computer) to select answers. You’ll like it!
If you haven’t used the platform before, you can download it prior to the evening. Toggle over to, or open the Kahoot app on your phone, and enter the Game PIN once it’s on the screen. It’s not necessary to use the app, but some find it easier than switching between tabs on your computer.